Visit out our web eZine - CoverDoll for monthly featured dolls, articles, photos, galleries, blogs, videos, reviews, comics, posters, virtual babes, videos.


The DollForum is the worlds largest community of doll owners and admirers. It has over 30,000 photos in its Doll Album, and a large interactive forum and live chat.

Doll Forum

The Doll Harem is one of the more explicit love doll galleries.

Doll Harem

Partner Sites

The Doll Chronicles is a support site for the documentary of the same name. It showcases the dolls used in the documentary and has an interactive forum. Doll Chronicles
The Teddy Babe Chronicles is dedicated to Teddy Babes (a plushie love doll) and their owners. It has an interactive forum and photo gallery. Teddy Babe Chronicles